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Teachers and students stood outside on leaves

Our School

Parent & Pupil Information

Please find below practical information for current parents and pupils at Friends’.

Please email [email protected] to inform the school about pupil absence.

High attendance levels are important to allow pupils to fulfil their potential. Please click on this link for a Department of Education Parent’s guide to attendance.

Please download the Canteen Menu & Price Lists.

Menu Weeks 1-4

Menu Dates

School Meals Price List

In recognition of the key role that School plays in the life of a child, we aim to create an environment in which those who study and work here feel both safe and protected. As each member of staff has a contribution to make in helping to create that environment, all have a duty of care towards the young people in our school community and therefore a responsibility to promote and safeguard their welfare. School’s Child Protection Policy clearly identifies the welfare of the child as being of paramount importance; and protection from harm as a key and agreed principle. In line with the Department of Education guidelines, the Child Protection Policy contains details on recognising possible signs of child abuse; specifies clear procedures to follow in the event of a concern expressed or a report received; and provides a code of professional conduct for all staff working in School.

DEPUTY DESIGNATED TEACHERS: Mr S Alexander and Ms S Cochrane

Parents are invited to contact the Designated Teacher or the Deputy Designated Teachers, in the first instance, should they wish to report a child protection concern. Mr Moore, the Principal, will initiate and take responsibility for appropriate action, including possible referral to outside agencies.

Department of Education information leaflet on Child Protection in Education

To find out how to contact the school or make an enquiry, please visit the Contact page.

Friends’ operates a cashless system in school. To make any payments for example for catering or trips please use

To purchase your PE or Games kit please visit our online shop.

We aim to provide holistic support to everyone in our school community, in all areas of family life, which is why Friends’ School subscribes to Tooled Up Education. This gives all of our families privileged access to a regularly updated digital library, full of evidence-based tips, simple activities, advice-packed videos and enlightening podcasts, on all matters relating to parenting and family life. Tooled Up Education is curated by one of the UK’s leading experts on parental engagement in children’s lives and learning, Dr Kathy Weston.

Dr KathyDr Weston is passionate about bridging the gap between research and real-life parenting. As a busy parent herself, she understands that loving parents want to do the ‘right thing’ and that parenting is full of joys, but also many challenges. Our children have a vast educational and life journey ahead of them. It is important that they are ‘Tooled Up;’ equipped psychologically with the resilience required to reach their destinations safely and successfully. Watch this clip to find out how the site works.

Get Access to Tooled Up Now:

Simply click on the link below to set up your own personal account by entering your email address and our unique school PIN number. We have sent you a registration email containing our unique school PIN. If you cannot find this, please contact Tooled Up Education on 0203 951 8828 or [email protected]

Create my Tooled Up Account

Once you have created your account, you will have immediate access to the entire library of research-based resources, which will help you to support your child in their journey into early adulthood and beyond.

As a ‘Tooled Up’ parent, you will:

  • Feel more supported on your parenting journey.
  • Be able to access evidence-based tips that can help your child to thrive and reach their potential.
  • Be able to ask any question and get the answers you need, sourced from the highest quality research evidence.

Tooled Up is here for you!

Tooled Up is a dynamic library of evidence-based tips; growing in response to parents’ requests for further information. Don’t miss out on Dr Weston’s emails which will keep you updated about new resources and topical issues. When logged into Tooled Up, go to the ‘My Profile’ page and check that you have ticked the box to let her know you are happy to hear from her. We are delighted to be working together with Tooled Up Education to provide this support to you and your family beyond our school gates.

If you have any questions then please do not hesitate in contacting the school office or Tooled Up directly on [email protected].

Pupils must wear the correct school uniform at all times and be neat and tidy in appearance. Please download Appearance Code for 2024 – 2025 here

Students walking
Students walking on a path
Students walking Students walking on a path