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Teachers stood and sat outside school building

The Team Behind


The Board of Governors, which consists of representatives from the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), the Department of Education, parents and staff, has responsibility for the appointment of staff and the running of the school.

The Principal, with the Leadership Team, is responsible for the formulation of curriculum policy, pastoral care and general administration. Heads of Department are responsible for the teaching programmes in each subject area. Year Teachers supervise the general welfare and the academic progress of pupils. Teachers are responsible for educating pupils in their subject specialism. The Bursar and Office Staff facilitate the administration of the school.

Our Staff

Appointed by Ulster Quarterly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
(Feb 2023 – Feb 2026)

John B Campton
Jeanette Chapman
Margrit E Grey (SEN)
S D Latifa McCullagh (Safeguarding)
Philip A McDonagh
Aidan D Pearson (Vice-Chair)
William H Sinton

Elected Parent Governors
(Jan 2022 – Dec 2025)

Caroline Harris
Richard Snape

Elected Teacher Governors
(Jan 2022 – Dec 2025)

Mary Waring
John Watson

Appointed by the Dept of Education
(Jan 2022 – Dec 2025)

Michael Boyd
Karen Brown
Michelle Estler
Andrew Greer (Chair)
Colin Shaw
Adam Slingsby


Stephen R T Moore

Secretary to the Board

Jill McKee


Stephen R T Moore


Jill McKee


Steven Alexander (Pastoral)
Sarah Cochrane (Curriculum)

Senior Teachers

Craig Cunningham (Head of Key Stage 3)
Ciara Lowe (Designated Teacher for Safeguarding & Child Protection)
Robert McKinley (Head of Key Stage 5)
Diann Semple (Head of Key Stage 4)

Art & Design

Robert Murray


Ian McCaugherty

Business Studies and Economics

Jane Genoe


Emma Anderson


Robin McKay


Lauren Hanna

Food & Nutrition

Judith McCarthy


David McElhinney

History and Politics

Mark Robinson


Errol Martin


Jamie Williamson

Modern Languages

Kathryn Archbold


Niamh Blakeman

Physical Education

Ivor Monaghan


David Swann

Religious Studies

Suzanne Leaker

Technology & Design

Chris Wilson

Year 8

Suzanne Leaker

Year 9

Derek Gamble

Year 10

Patricia Gildea

Year 11

Jamie Artt

Year 12

John Watson

Year 13

Andrew Forrest

Year 14

Aaron Chestnutt

Art & Design

Robert Murray
Sharon Carson
Emma McMinn


Ian McCaugherty
Lynn Gawn
Claire Hart
Sarah Lyons
Janice Reid
Mark Williamson

Business Studies

Jane Genoe
Ashea Bell
Orla Cahill 


Robin McKay
Wingfield Glassey
Hazel Phillips
John Watson


Emma Anderson
Jamie Artt
Sue Barron


Lauren Hanna
Emma Anderson
Sarah Cochrane
Meghan Herron
Andrew Forrest
Ciara Lowe
Sarah MacCartney
Susie Marshall
Sandra Roulston


David McElhinney
Amy Arneill
Robert McKinley
Emma Gregg

History and Politics

Mark Robinson
Jamie Artt
Craig Cunningham
Meghan Herron
Jill Holley
Mary Waring

Food & Nutrition

Judith McCarthy
Lisa Donnan
Rebekah Keys


Errol Martin

Modern Languages

Kathryn Archbold
Sue Barron
Gillian Clegg
John-Louis Devin
Patricia Gildea
Esther Graham
Stephen Moore
Ashton Hogg


Jamie Williamson
Steven Alexander
Zoe Hughes
Claire Kirkpatrick
Hannah McCleery
Timothy Millen
Rachel Morrow
Hollie O’Neill
Diann Semple
Astrid Stone Abad


Niamh Blakeman
Peter Briggs

Susan Rutter

Physical Education

Ivor Monaghan
Caroline Arnold
Louise Hughes
Stephen Robinson


David Swann
Ruth Beare
Derek Gamble
Rob Timothy

Religious Studies

Suzanne Leaker
Aaron Chestnutt

Technology & Design

Chris Wilson 
Lee Galloway


Jill McKee


Mandy Marks (Payroll)
Anne McKerr (Fees)

Director of Development
& Engagement

Stephanie Grainger

Principal’s PA

Agnieszka Rayes


Denise English (Head of Administration)
Emma Foley
Joanne McGaffin
Jamie McShane
Sharon Todd

School Nurse

Joan Newberry

ICT Manager

Shelley Parker



Private Study Supervisor

Shona Cregan


Laura Bonar (Art)
Emma Chadwick (Science)
Michael Coleman (Technology)
David Hadrick (Physics)
Tracey McQuitty (Food Technology)

Classroom Assistants

Karen Bowden
Sharon Burrows
Gemma Emerson
Wil Farrell
Aishling Ferguson
Jack Harte
Maliha Javed
Sarah Law
Brooke Logan
Patrick McElhinney
Lesley Mills
Simone Monteith
Wendy Mulholland
Sharon Stirling
Dawn Thornberry

Languages Assistants

Emmanuel Boudant
María Sandra McFaul


Paul O’Hare (Manager)
Alan McMaster
Martin Brolly
Philip McCutcheon



Darren Law

Catering Manager

Neill Moreland



Dining Hall Supervisors

Sharon Burrows
Svetlana Fanagej
Pauline McCann


If you need to talk to someone in school, your child’s Collect Teacher will be your first point of contact.

You may also wish to contact Year Teachers who co-ordinate the work of Collect Teachers, monitor academic progress and deal with disciplinary matters.

Heads of Department lead all aspects of learning in their area of the curriculum and are the best point of contact for concerns about individual subjects.

Members of staff listed above can be contacted through the General Office. Please be mindful that during the day staff are most likely to be teaching a class and may not be able to respond immediately. However, we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.

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Our Motto

Quae Sursum Sunt Quaerite

‘Seek those things that are above‘

New Testament Book of Colossians