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In the Careers department, we aim to give pupils access to a range of information and experiences which allow them to discover what they aspire to do, what the skills and qualities they are developing allow them to do, and what they need to do to make sure they can build the future career path that they want.

Pupils at all levels use the interactive, online Unifrog platform to enthuse and engage them in their own journey, whilst becoming increasingly independent.

During Employability in Year 8 and Careers in Year 10, pupils discover the world of work and why careers are ‘journeys’ rather than destinations. They explore their skills, what ‘success’ means to them and how the world of work can be more sustainable. They also learn how to make suitable GCSE choices.

In Careers and Employability lessons in Year 12, pupils use psychometric tests to further explore their aptitudes, and the subjects and careers which match these. They reflect on where they are on their career journey and investigate a range of post-16 options. Pupils also make AS level choices.

Pupils in Year 13 have weekly Careers lessons. They explore Labour Market Information, Apprenticeships, Employer profiles and University courses. In Year 14, pupils make UCAS and CAO applications; some make additional applications for Degree Apprenticeships. Around 98% progress to further education.

Students receiving a factory tour

Careers, Successes and Extra-curricular

Beyond the classroom

Beyond the taught Careers programme, pupils obtain information, advice and guidance during their career journey.

Some of this is achieved through Unifrog, which pupils use independently, accessing quizzes, careers libraries, webinars, labour market information and more. Parents can also access this resource allowing them to become involved in their child’s journey. Further opportunities include the following:

  • Pupils in Years 8, 9 and 10 take part in workshops with Young Enterprise.
  • In Year 12, pupils receive a guidance interview with a Dept. for the Economy Careers adviser and personalised Action Plan before making post-16 choices. They also take part in a ‘Digital Masterclass’ with Young Enterprise and local employers.
  • In Year 13, pupils undertake a week of Work Experience. They can avail of individual opportunities through Work Inspiration and Speakers for Schools. Pupils also attend the UCAS convention.
  • Pupils in Year 14 take part in Mock Interviews and visits from local universities.